Bilibili Tests
Simple case {{< bilibili BV1Sx411T7QQ >}}
Play the 3rd page {{< bilibili id=BV1TJ411C7An p=3 >}}
Enable autoplay with annoying unmute {{< bilibili id=BV1TJ411C7An p=3 autoplay=true muted=false >}}
A player with everything diabled {{< bilibili id=BV1TJ411C7An p=3 autoplay=0 muted=1 danmaku=0 t=100 hasMuteButton=0 hideCoverInfo=1 hideDanmakuButton=1 noFullScreenButton=1 fjw=1 >}}
(Looks like only autoplay
, muted
, danmaku
and t
are working)
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